Rita Baeten, master of social sciences, is a senior policy analyst at the OSE. Her research activities focus on the impact of European integration on national healthcare systems and on their social character.
Her research topics include themes such as inequalities in access to healthcare, EU economic governance and health systems; patient mobility in the EU; healthcare services in the internal market; and EU-level co-operation in the field of healthcare.
Rita Baeten advises the Belgian authorities and the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI) on EU policy developments with a potential impact on healthcare in Belgium. She coordinated the scientific preparation and follow-up of several international and ministerial conferences on EU integration and health systems.
She has been work leader for the OSE contribution to several projects financed by the European Commission under its Framework Programmes for Research.
Rita Baeten

Baeten R.
Geron, Volume 24, Issue 1, 10 maart 2022
Baeten R.
Samenleving & Politiek, Jaargang 28, 2021, nr. 10 (december)
|FR| Suppression des inégalités dans l’accessibilité financière aux soins de santé
Analyse d’une enquête réalisée auprès des experts et des parties prenantesBaeten R.
Brussels: European Social Oservatory, 176p.
Cès S. en Baeten R.
Brussel: European Social Observatory, juli 2020, 29p.
Cès S. and Baeten R.
Brussels: European Social Observatory, July 2020, 184p.
Baeten, R., Spasova, S. en Vanhercke, B. (2019)
in: Coene et al., Armoede en sociale uitsluiting, Jaarboek 2019. 28th edition, Acco Leuven/Den Haag, pp. 181-202.
Baeten R., Spasova S. en Vanhercke B. (2019)
In: Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Sociale Zekerheid, n° 1/2019, pp.199-219.
Bensemmane S. and Baeten R.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.44, October 2019, 63p.
Baeten R., Spasova S., Vanhercke B. and Coster S.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission
Spasova S., Baeten R. and Vanhercke B.
Eurohealth Vol.24 No.4 2018, Brussels: European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, pp. 7-12.
Baeten R., Sabato S., Signorelli P., Moth R. and Neary D.
Deliverable, November 2018, Leuven: RE-InVEST
Spasova S., Baeten R., Coster S., Ghailani D., Peña-Casas R. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission.
Azzopardi-Muscat N., Baeten R. et al.
Health policy, March 2018, Vol. 122, Issue 3, pp. 279–283
Baeten R. en Ghailani D.
Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Sociale Zekerheid, 2017/1, pp.53-96.
Baeten R.
OSE Paper Series, Opinion Paper No.18, April 2017, 25p.
Baeten R.
Eurohealth, Vol.23, No.2, 2017, pp. 24-27
Baeten R.
OSE Paper Series, Opinion Paper No.18, April 2017, 25p.
Baeten R.
in Vanhercke B., Sebastiano S. and Bouget D. (eds.)
Baeten R. and Ghailani D.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.31, November 2016, 57p.
Greer S. L., Jarman H. and Baeten R.
Int J Health Serv April 2016 46: 262-282, doi:10.1177/0020731416637205
Baeten R. and Vanhercke B.
Comparative European Politics, 21 March 2016; doi: 10.1057/cep.2016.10
Stamati F. et Baeten R.
In Natali D. and Vanhercke B. (eds.)
Greer S.L., Jarman H. and Baeten R.
Int J Health Serv April 2016 46: 262-282, doi:10.1177/0020731416637205
Baeten R. and Ghailani D.
OSE Paper Series, Briefing Paper n°10, April 2015.
Baeten R. et Ghailani D.
OSE Paper Series, Briefing Paper Nr.10, April 2015, 71p.
In Natali, D. and Vanhercke, B. (Eds.)
Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2015, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, pp. 183-214.
Stamati F. and Baeten R.
ETUI Report 134, Brussels, 2015, 96p.
Baeten R.
In Brosset E. (ed.) Droit européen et protection de la santé, Bilan et perspectives, Brussels, Bruylant, pp. 179-188.
Stamati F. and Baeten R.
ETUI Policy Briefs, 10/2014, Brussels.
Kiasuwa Mbengi R.L., Baeten R., McKee M. and Knai C.
Facts, Views & Vision in Obgyn, Vol.6, Nr.3, September 2014, pp.127-132
Kiasuwa Mbengi R.L., Baeten R., McKee M. and Knai C.
Facts, Views & Vision in Obgyn, Vol.6, Nr.3, pp.127-132
Glinos I.A. and Baeten R.
Social Science & Medicine, pp. 18-24, DOI information: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.07.015
Baeten R.
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, Volume 19, No.4, pp. 195-197, DOI: 10.1177/1355819614544202
Baeten R.
European Law Review, 39 (4), Sweet & Maxwell, pp. 595-597.
Risso-Gill I. ; Kiasuwa R. ; Baeten R. ; Caldarelli I. ; Mitro M. ; Merriel A. ; Amadio G. ; McKee M. and Legido-Quigley H.
European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, pp. 40-45.
Footman K., Knai C., Baeten R., Glonti K. and McKee M.
Policy Summary 14, WHO Regional Office for Europe and European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 47 p.
San Miguel L. ; Augustin U. ; Busse R. ; Knai C. ; Rubert G. ; Sihvo S. and Baeten R.
Health Policy, published online 2 December 2013.
San Miguel L. ; Baeten R. ; Remmen R. ; Busse R. ; Gil J. ; Knai C. ; Mäkinen M. ; Rubert G. and McKee M.
Eur J Public Health, first published online June 11.
Baeten R.
OSE Paper Series, Briefing Paper No.9, March 2013.
Kiasuwa R. and Baeten R.
In Glinos I. and Wismar M. (eds.)Hospitals and borders, Seven case studies on cross-border collaboration and health system interactions, Observatory Studies Series, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.
Baeten R. and Palm W.
In Neergaard et al. (eds.) Social Services of General Interest in the EU, T.M.C. Asser Press.
Mc Kee M. ; Busse R. ; Baeten R. and Glinos I.
Eurohealth, 19 (4), 2013, pp. 3-5.
Baeten R. and San Miguel L.
Eurohealth, 19 (4), 2013, pp. 12-14.
Legido-Quigley H. ; Glinos I.A. ; Baeten R. ; McKee M. and Busse R.
Health Policy, 108, (1), November 2012, pp. 27-36.
Baeten R. and Jelfs E.
Eurohealth, 18 (3), pp. 18-20.
Baeten R.
Jelfs E. and Baeten R.
Final Report, Brussels, OSE ; EHMA and AIM, 24 November 2011.
Baeten R.
Ose Paper Series, Briefing Paper No. 6, April 2011.
Safuta A. and Baeten R.
In Wismar M. et al.(eds.) Health Professional Mobility and Health Systems, Evidence from 17 European countries, World Health Organization, on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, pp. 129-162.
Baeten R.
Welzijnsgids-Gezondheidszorg, Beleid Afl. 79, January 2011, Kluwer.
Baeten R. and Palm W.
In Van de Gronden J. et al. (eds.) Health Care and EU law, Asser Press, pp.383-404.
Baeten R.
In Wismar M. ; Palm W. ; Figueras J. ; Ernst K. and van Ginneken E. (eds.) Cross-border Health Care in the European Union : Mapping and analysing practices and policies, Observatory Study Series No. 22, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, pp.255-287.
Baeten R. and Thomson S.
In Natali D. and Vanhercke B. (eds.) Social developments in the European Union 2011, Brussels, ETUI, OSE, pp. 187-211.
Baeten R. ; Vanhercke B. and Coucheir M.
OSE Paper Series, Research paper No. 3, July 2010.
Gekiere W., Baeten R. and Palm W.
In Mossialos E. ; Permanand G. ; Baeten R. and Hervey T. (eds.) Health Systems Governance in Europe : the role of European Union law and policy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp.461-508.
Baeten R.
In Degryse C. (ed.) Social developments in the European Union 2009, Brussels, ETUI, OSE, pp.173-200.
Baeten R.
In Degryse C. (ed.) Bilan social de l'Union européenne 2009, Brussels, ETUI, OSE, pp.183-213. -
Glinos I.A., Baeten R. and Maarse H.
Health Policy, 95 (2), May 2010, pp. 103-112.
Mossialos E., Permanand G., Baeten R. and Hervey T.
In Mossialos E., Permanand G., Baeten R. and Hervey T. (eds.) Health Systems Governance in Europe : the role of European Union law and policy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp.1-83.
Glinos I.A. ; Baeten R. ; Helble M. and Maarse H.
Health and Place.