The impact of digitalisation on job quality and social dialogue in the Spanish public services


Welcoming and European context
Chair: Bart Vanhercke

  • Welcome address and introduction, Pedro J. Linares, Director of Studies of Fundación 1º de Mayo and Bart Vanhercke - Director, OSE
  • Presentation of DIGIQU@LPUB project, Dalila Ghailani - OSE  
  • Digitalisation and job quality in European public services, Richard Pond - EPSU
  • Digitalisation, social dialogue and working conditions, Ricardo Contreras - Eurofound

Exchange and discussion with sectoral union delegates

Social dialogue, digitalisation and working conditions in Spain
Chair: Jesús Cruces - Fundación 1º de Mayo

  • The impact of digitalisation on job quality and social dialogue in the public services – the case of Spain, preliminary results, Alicia Martínez - Fundación 1º de Mayo
  • Collective bargaining on the impact of digitalisation on job quality, Raquel Boto - CCOO

Exchange and discussion with sectoral union delegates

Simultaneous interpretation : English and Spanish

Travel and accommodation costs are at the expense of the participants.


Fundación 1° de Mayo, Madrid