Vanhercke B. and Verdun A., with Atanasova A., Spasova S. and Thomson M.
Some social actors are (not) resurfacing
Working Paper 2021.13, Brussels, ETUI, 48 p.
Vanhercke B. and Verdun A., with Atanasova A., Spasova S. and Thomson M.
Working Paper 2021.13, Brussels, ETUI, 48 p.
Vanhercke B. and Verdun A.
Social Europe, Recovery and resilience series, 14 December
Vanhercke B. and Verdun A.
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 60, Issue 1, January
doi: 10.1111/jcms.13267
L'OSE a été chargé par l'Institut syndical européen (ETUI) et la Chambre autrichienne du travail (AK Europa) de mener des recherches qui ont abouti à un rapport intitulé "From the European Semester to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).