Sabato S. and Vanhille J.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No. 63, Brussels: European Social Observatory, May 2024, 53p.
Sabato S. and Vanhille J.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No. 63, Brussels: European Social Observatory, May 2024, 53p.
Vanhercke B., Sabato S. and Spasova S. (eds.)
Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), 198p.
Sabato S. et Mandelli M.
in Vanhercke B., Spasova S. et Fronteddu B. (eds.), Bilan social de l’Union européenne 2020, Bruxelles: ETUI et OSE, pp. 127 - 148.
Sabato S., Mandelli M. and Vanhercke B.
Madrid: EUROsociAL Programme, EUROsociAL Collection No 24, 63p.
The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to write a preliminary assessment of whether the European Green Deal (EGD) constitutes a suitable policy framework to combine environmental and economic objectives with the pursuit of social fairness, thus ensuring a just transition towards more sustainable economies and societies. The resulting Working paper focuses on two elements that appear crucial to the achievement of a socially just transition in the framework of the EGD.
L’Observatoire social européen est partenaire du Projet NEUJOBS, financé par la Commission européenne (7è programme-cadre) et prévu pour une durée de quatre ans. Le principal objectif du projet est de faire la lumière sur les opportunités et les difficultés que représentent les transitions socio-économique et écologiques, pour le marché du travail. Afin d’inclure dans la recherche les positions du plus de parties prenantes possibles, les partenaires sociaux seront particulièrement impliqués.
The OSE and the ETUI invite you to a third webinar for the launch of the 21st edition of ‘Social policy in the European Union’.
This seminar – co-organised by the Belgian Federal Public Service (FPS) Social Security and the OSE – will bring together researchers, social stakeholders and decisionmakers to discuss difficult issues, such as climate-proofing our economies and societies and the need to make European welfare states fit for the future. How conducive are the initiatives adopted by the EU to greater integration of the social and the green pillars? Should the European Semester be overhauled to explicitly take social-ecological indicators on board?