Baeten R.
Geron, Volume 24, Issue 1, 10 maart 2022
Baeten R.
Geron, Volume 24, Issue 1, 10 maart 2022
Vanhercke B. and Spasova S. (eds.)
Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), 194 p.
|FR| Suppression des inégalités dans l’accessibilité financière aux soins de santé
Analyse d’une enquête réalisée auprès des experts et des parties prenantes
Baeten R.
Brussels: European Social Oservatory, 176p.
Cès S. en Baeten R.
Brussel: European Social Observatory, juli 2020, 29p.
Cès S. and Baeten R.
Brussels: European Social Observatory, July 2020, 184p.
Baeten R., Spasova S., Vanhercke B. and Coster S.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission
Vandenbroucke F., Davignon E., Andor L., Atkinson T., Barca F., Berès P. et al. (2015)
While inequalities remain a fundamental challenge across Europe, and the EU is progressively implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, the European Social Network (ESN) has again asked the OSE to provide scientific underpinning of its work on the European Semester. The OSE contribution will draw on questionnaires that will be completed by ESN members. It will provide the substance for ESN proposals regarding the 2021 Country-specific Recommendations.
The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to write a preliminary assessment of whether the European Green Deal (EGD) constitutes a suitable policy framework to combine environmental and economic objectives with the pursuit of social fairness, thus ensuring a just transition towards more sustainable economies and societies. The resulting Working paper focuses on two elements that appear crucial to the achievement of a socially just transition in the framework of the EGD.