Natali D., Pavolini E. with Vanhercke B. (Eds)
European Trade Union Institute – European Social Observatory, Brussels, 2018, 267 p.
Natali D., Pavolini E. with Vanhercke B. (Eds)
European Trade Union Institute – European Social Observatory, Brussels, 2018, 267 p.
OSE has become a partner in the ORIGAMI project led by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
(UCSC). It includes seven other academic and stockholder partners and is funded by DG
Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion through the budget line “Improving expertise in
the field of industrial relations – SOCPL-2022-IND-REL-01".
The new PROWELFARE, financed by the European Commission, started in December 2014. It is a two-year project coordinated by the European Social Observatory (OSE) which involves 10 partners (see the dedicated website). PROWELFARE examines the role of social partners - particularly of trade unions - in the provision of welfare protection through occupational schemes. Specific objectives of the project are:
The OSE and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), together with the Institute for Economic and Social Research
Sociologue de formation et doté d'une grande expertise en matière d'analyse socio-économique et de techniques empiriques, Ramón Peña-Casas a rejoint l'équipe de l'OSE en 2000. Il s'est impliqué dans divers projets relatifs aux interrelations de plus en plus complexes des sphères de l'emploi, du social et de la protection sociale dans le contexte des méthodes de gouvernance souples (méthodes ouvertes de coordination (MOC) qui se sont multipliées ces dernières années au niveau de l'Union européenne.
Poland, just like many other European countries, is facing the important challenge of modernising its welfare system in a challenging economic context and at a time of ongoing fiscal consolidation. Against this background, this public Roundtable discussion represents a key opportunity for scholars as well as national and European stakeholders and policymakers to discuss the contribution of social dialogue to welfare state developments in Poland and the rest of Europe.