Book chapter

Fronteddu B. and Bouget D.

in Vanhercke B., Spasova S. and Fronteddu B. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2020, Brussels: ETUI and OSE, pp. 185 - 197.

The solution to the ongoing increase in in-work poverty in Europe?

Peña-Casas R. and Ghailani D.

in Vanhercke B., Spasova S. and Fronteddu B. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2020, Brussels: ETUI and OSE, pp. 133 - 153.

« De la survie » aux « signes de distinction » ?

Spasova S.

in Beauvallet W., Robert C., Roullaud E. (eds.), EU affairs. Sociologie des lobbyistes européens, Peter Lang, France.


Vanhercke B., Spasova S., Ghailani D. and Pochet P.

in Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Spasova S. with Pochet P. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road, Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), pp. 183-202. 

The many lives of the Social Open Method of Coordination

Vanhercke B.

in Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Spasova S. with Pochet P. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road, Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), pp 99-123.