Frazer H., Guio A.-C. and Marlier E.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.49, October 2021, 68p.
Frazer H., Guio A.-C. and Marlier E.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.49, October 2021, 68p.
Sabato S.
in Jessoula M. and Madama I. (eds.), Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in the EU. A Chance in Europe 2020, Routledge, pp. 166 - 185.
Sabato S., Agostini C. Natili M. and Jessoula M.
in Jessoula M. and Madama I. (eds.), A chance for social Europe. Europe2020 and the fight against poverty and social exclusion, Routledge, pp. 14 - 35.
Baeten R. and Vanhercke B.
Comparative European Politics, 21 March 2016; doi: 10.1057/cep.2016.10
Vanhercke B., Nicaise I. and Schepers W.
De Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, Maart, Jrg. 107 (2016) 3, pp. 22-28.
OSE and HIVA (KULeuven) started new research for the Belgian Social Security Administration (FPS), with a view to updating and improving the indicators used in the Belgian National Social Report and the National Reform Programme. As part of this research, Ramón Peña-Casas provided a detailed picture of (very) low work intensity households in Belgium, using register data available in the ‘Data Warehouse Labour Market and Social Protection’ (Datawarehouse marché du travail et protection sociale), which is managed by Crossroads Bank of Social Security.
OSE and HIVA (KULeuven) started new research for the Belgian Social Security Administration (FPS), with a view to updating and improving the indicators used in the Belgian National Social Report and the National Reform Programme. As part of this research, Ramón Peña-Casas provided a detailed picture of (very) low work intensity households in Belgium, using register data available in the ‘Data Warehouse Labour Market and Social Protection’ (Datawarehouse marché du travail et protection sociale), which is managed by Crossroads Bank of Social Security.
As part of the preparation of an Opinion on guaranteed minimum income at European level, the Workers' Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) contracted the OSE to conduct a study entitled “Towards a European Minimum Income”. The main objective of this research is to explore the feasibility of introducing a European instrument relating to non-contributory minimum income schemes for able-bodied persons of working age.
The OSE has started a new research project, together with the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN), which is in charge of the overall coordination. Funded by the European Commission, the European Minimum Income Network (EMIN) project will first build a network of national experts (social and anti-poverty NGOs and people experiencing poverty) with the aim to review and compare national situations as regards minimum income schemes.
The Centre for Social Policy (CSB) and the Centre on Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion and the City (OASES) at the University of Antwerp successfully proposed a research project funded under the 7th Framework Programme that will address key questions such as: how can social innovation complement, reinforce and modify macro level policies, and vice versa? How can the conditions be improved to move towards the Europe 2020 objectives?