Vanhercke B., Sabato S. and Spasova S. (eds.)
Policymaking in a permacrisis
Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), 180 p.
Vanhercke B., Sabato S. and Spasova S. (eds.)
Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), 180 p.
Emma Raucent
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper N° 50, Novembre 2022, 23p.
Hooker J. and Antonucci L.
OSE Paper Series, Opinion Paper No. 28, Brussels: European Social Observatory, 2022, 23 p.
OSE has become a partner in the ORIGAMI project led by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
(UCSC). It includes seven other academic and stockholder partners and is funded by DG
Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion through the budget line “Improving expertise in
the field of industrial relations – SOCPL-2022-IND-REL-01".