Amandine Crespy is Professor of Political Science & European Studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) where she is affiliated with the Cevipol and the Institut d’Etudes Européennes (IEE). She is also Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges). Her research deals with socio-economic governance and policies in the European Union (including welfare marketization, social policy, fiscal governance, the just transition) with a focus on the role of ideas, discourse and conflict. Besides publications in numerous international journals, she authored four monographs.
Just transition
The OSE and the ETUI invite you to a third webinar for the launch of the 21st edition of ‘Social policy in the European Union’.
This seminar – co-organised by the Belgian Federal Public Service (FPS) Social Security and the OSE – will bring together researchers, social stakeholders and decisionmakers to discuss difficult issues, such as climate-proofing our economies and societies and the need to make European welfare states fit for the future. How conducive are the initiatives adopted by the EU to greater integration of the social and the green pillars? Should the European Semester be overhauled to explicitly take social-ecological indicators on board?
The European Social Observatory (OSE), the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) invite you to a second webinar for the launch of the 22nd edition of ‘Social policy in the European Union: state of play’.