This research partnership between the OSE and the Centre for European Studies aims to address the topic of sustainable growth within the EU. In particular, the project focuses on a definition of sustainable and qualitative growth, past and current developments in innovation and governance, and recommended policy proposals.
Crise économique
The OSE has been contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research, which resulted in a book on the “Social developments in the European Union 2012”. The 14th edition of this publication features authors such as Paul De Grauwe (From financial to social and political risks in the Eurozone), Alexander Trechsel and Claudius Wagemann (The EU in 2012: political and institutional tensions) and Georg Feigl, Sven Hergovich and Miriam Rehm (Beyond GDP: can we re-focus the debate?).
L’Institut syndical européen (ETUI) a confié à l’OSE une recherche ayant pour objectif la publication d’un ouvrage établissant le « Bilan social de l’Union européenne 2011 ». Outre l’équipe de l’OSE, cette 12ème édition compte notamment parmi ses auteurs Giuliano Amato et Yves Mény (sur les paradoxes des dynamiques institutionnelles en 2011), Patrick Diamond et Roger Liddle (sur la recherche d’une meilleure gouvernance économique pour l’Union européenne), Christophe Degryse et Philippe Pochet (sur les inquiétants chemins de la nouvelle gouvernance européenne).