David Natali
Natali D., Janta B., Spasova S., Bannister Curran L., Fassino G., Copping D., McCarthy J., Kominou K., O’Brien J., Galligani I., Webb S., Hussain N.
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Natali D. and Pavolini E. with Vanhercke B.
in Natali D., Pavolini E. with Vanhercke B. (Eds), Occupational Welfare in Europe: Risks, opportunities and social partner involvement, European Trade Union Institute – European Social Observatory, Brussels, 2018, pp. 239-257.
Natali D., Pavolini E. with Vanhercke B. (Eds)
European Trade Union Institute – European Social Observatory, Brussels, 2018, 267 p.
Natali D.
Peter Lang, Brussels, 2017, 294 p.
Natali D., Sabato S. and Mapelli L. with Vanhercke B.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.33, January 2017, 31p.
Natali D., Spasova S. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 52 p.
Natali D.
in Vanhercke B., Natali D. and Bouget D. (eds.)
Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2016, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute and European Social Observatory, pp. 189-209. -
Agostini C., Lisi V., Natali D. and Sabato S.
Brussels: European Trade Union Institute, 124 p.
In Ascoli U., Pavolini E. (eds)
The Italian Welfare State in a European perspective, Policy Press (forthcoming 2015)
David Natali et Bart Vanhercke (dir.)
ETUI, OSE, Bruxelles, 2015, 297p.
In Natali D. et Vanhercke B. (dir.)
Bilan social de l'Union européenne 2015, Bruxelles, ETUI et OSE, pp. 169-201.
In Natali D. et Vanhercke B. (dir.)
Bilan social de l'Union européenne 2015, Bruxelles, ETUI et OSE, pp. 273-290.
L'UE et l'héritage social de la crise : ajustement à la marge ou potentiel changement de paradigme ?
In Natali D. et Vanhercke B. (dir.)
Bilan social de l'Union européenne 2015, Bruxelles, ETUI et OSE, pp. 13-34.
Ghailani D. and Natali D. with Schavoir M.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.17, December 2014, 32p.
Natali D. and Pavolini E.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.16, November 2014, 39p.
Sabato S., Natali D. and Barbier C. (2014)
Martens Centre for European Studies
Natali D.
in Natali D. (Ed), Social developments in the European Union 2013, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, 2014, pp. 217-234.
Natali D. and Stamati F.
South European Society and Politics, vol. 19 n.3.
David Natali (Ed.)
ETUI, OSE, Bruxelles, 2014, 279p.
in Natali D. (Ed)
Social developments in the European Union 2013, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, 2014, pp. 11-27.
Vandenbroucke F., Vanhercke B. and Morley J. (2014)
in Natali D. (Ed), Social developments in the European Union 2013, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, 2014, pp. 85-113.
Ghailani D. (2014)
in Natali D. (Ed), Social developments in the European Union 2013, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, 2014, pp. 161-190.
de la Porte C. and Natali D
West European Politics, vol. 37, no. 4, 732-749.
Barbier C.
in Natali D. (Ed), Social developments in the European Union 2013, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, 2014, pp. 235-254.
In Natali, D. and Vanhercke, B. (Eds.), Social developments in the European Union 2012, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, pp. 11-29.
Natali, D. et Vanhercke, B. (Eds.) (2012)
ETUI, OSE, Bruxelles, 285 p.