Egalité de genre

Élaborer des politiques publiques en temps de crise permanente

Vanhercke B., Sabato S. and Spasova S. (eds.)

Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), 198p.

The OSE has been selected to participate in a new research project coordinated by OpCit Research for the European Parliament’s (EP) Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM). The study will evaluate the impact of political parties’ and independent candidates’ policies and strategies to include and empower women and increase the number of women on electoral lists and in the EP. The study comprises an evaluation of the actions of a range of relevant stakeholders, including the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), national and European political parties, and women’s NGOs.

The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research, which resulted in a book on “Social developments in the European Union 2013”. The 15th edition of this publication (published in July 2014) featured authors such as Anton Hemerijck (Fault lines and silver linings in Europe’s social market economy), Frank Vandenbroucke, Bart Vanhercke and John Morley (A European Social Union), and Ferdinand Fichtner (Euro area-wide unemployment insurance).

Titulaire d’un Master en Droit (ULB) et d’un Master complémentaire en Droit Européen des Affaires (ULB - IEE), Dalila Ghailani est juriste à l’OSE depuis 2001.

Equipe OSE

The OSE, in collaboration with the ULB, invites you to an Afterwork discussion on 27 March 2025, 17.30–19.00 


Welcome & Introduction with Slavina Spasova (Director, OSE)

| Introduction of the Book

  • Amandine Crespy (Professor in Political Science & EU Studies, ULB)
    Presentation of key findings of the book on inequalities

| Short Academic Presentations – Chair: Amandine Crespy

Afterwork discussion