Non-standard workers and the self-employed in the EU: social protection during the Covid-19 pandemic (ETUI)


The OSE started new research for the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), examining the social protection measures taken in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic related to sickness, unemployment and leave benefits in the EU27. The deliverables of the project consist in an overall mapping report of the national measures, eight in-depth national case studies and a final analytical report. This study will be among the first to focus exclusively on the social protection measures taken by Member States to support non-standard workers and the self-employed in the context of the pandemic. It will contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the 2019 Council Recommendation on access to social protection.

OSE researchers involved: Stéphanie Coster, Boris Fronteddu, Dalila Ghailani, Sebastiano Sabato, Slavina Spasova and Bart Vanhercke.