Holder of a Master's degree in Law (ULB) and an additional Master's degree in European Business Law (ULB - IEE), Dalila Ghailani has been a lawyer at OSE since 2001. Her areas of research cover various themes: the case law of the Court of Justice in matters of social policy, employment, restructuring, gender equality and non-discrimination, lifelong education. She is a member of the European network of excellence RECWOWE (Reconciling Work and Welfare in Europe) and of the European network TURI (Trade Union related Research Institutes). She also participates in the writing of the Digest of the Journal of European Social Policy and in the development of educational tools for the trade union world.
Dalila Ghailani
Ghailani D., Marlier E., Baptista I., Deruelle T., Duri I., Guio A. C., Kominou K., Perista P.
and Spasova S.European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2024
Peña-Casas R. et Ghailani D.
DIGIQU@LPUB Policy Brief, OSE Working Paper Series, Briefing Paper N° 18, septembre 2023, 18p.
Peña-Casas R. und Ghailani D.
DIGIQU@LPUB Policy Brief. OSE Working Paper Series, Briefing Paper Nr 19, September 2023, 19p.
Peña-Casas R. and Ghailani D.
DIGIQU@LPUB project. OSE Working Paper Series, Briefing Paper No. 16, September 2023, 17p.
Peña-Casas R. and Ghailani D.
DIGIQU@LPUB project. OSE Working Paper Series, Research Paper No. 62, September 2023, 77p.
Peña-Casas R. and Ghailani D.
DIGIQU@LPUB project. OSE Working Paper Series, Research Paper No. 61, September 2023, 156p.
Ghailani D., Peña-Casas R., Coster S. and Regazzoni P.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
Spasova S., Ghailani D., Sabato S. and Vanhercke B.
ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute, Working paper 2022.10, April 2022, Brussels
Peña-Casas R., Ghailani D., Coster S. et Fronteddu B.
OSE Paper Series, Briefing paper, N° 14, Mars 2022
Spasova S., Ghailani D., Sabato S. and Vanhercke B. (Eds.)
Brussels, ETUI, 117p, 2021
Spasova S., Sabato S. Ghailani D., Fronteddu B. et Vanhercke B.
Cahier FEC, Bruxelles : Formation Education Culture, 60 p.
Baptista I., Marlier E., Spasova S., Peña-Casas R., Fronteddu B., Ghailani D., Sabato S. and Regazzoni P.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Spasova S., Ghailani D., Sabato S., Coster S., Fronteddu B. and Vanhercke B.
Brussels, ETUI and OSE, 51 p.
Peña-Casas R. and Ghailani D.
in Vanhercke B., Spasova S. and Fronteddu B. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2020, Brussels: ETUI and OSE, pp. 133 - 153.
Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Spasova S. with Pochet P. (eds.)
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), 230 p. Brussels, 2020
Fronteddu B. and Bouget D.
in Vanhercke B., Spasova S. Ghailani D. and Pochet P. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute and European Social Observatory, pp. 203-224.
Vanhercke B., Spasova S., Ghailani D. and Pochet P.
in Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Spasova S. with Pochet P. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road, Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), pp. 183-202.
Bekker S. and Ghailani D.
in H. Nicolaisen, H.C. Kavli and R. Steen Jensen (eds.), Dualisation of Part-Time Work,
2019, Policy Press. -
Spasova S., Bouget D., Ghailani D., Vanhercke B.
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice (27) 2, June 2019, pp. 157-175
Peña-Casas R., Ghailani D., Spasova S. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission
Peña-Casas R. and Ghailani D.
Case study Belgium, OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.40, May 2019, 37p.
Peña-Casas R. and Ghailani D.
Public service trade unions: effective intervention in the European Semester (EFISTU) Brussels, European Public Service Union (EPSU), 35 p.
Peña-Casas R., Ghailani D. and Porchez M.
Ad hoc report, European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission (mimeo)
Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Sabato S. (eds.)
Brussels: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), 196p.
Vanhercke B., Sabato S. and Ghailani D.
in Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Sabato S. (eds.), Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2018, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), pp.153-172.
Peña-Casas R., Ghailani D. et Coster S.
in Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Sabato S. (eds.), Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2018, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), pp. 117-133.
Spasova S., Baeten R., Coster S., Ghailani D., Peña-Casas R. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission.
Peña-Casas R., Ghailani D. and Coster S.
Final Report. European Social Observatory (OSE) and European Public Service Union (EPSU), 41p.
Sabato S., Ghailani D., Peña-Casas R., Spasova S., Corti, F. and Vanhercke B.
Brussels: European Economic and Social Committee, 45 p.
Ghailani D.
Brussels: European Social Observatory, 38p.
Ghailani D. and Peña-Casas R.
in Natali D., Pavolini E. with Vanhercke B. (eds.), Occupational Welfare in Europe: Risks, opportunities and social partner involvement, European Trade Union Institute – European Social Observatory, Brussels, 2018, pp.125-146.
Spasova S., Bouget D., Ghailani D. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 2017, 100p.
Baeten R. en Ghailani D.
Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Sociale Zekerheid, 2017/1, pp.53-96.
Spasova S., Bouget D, Ghailani D. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 100p.
in Vanhercke B., Sebastiano S. and Bouget D. (eds.)
Ghailani D.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.32, December 2016, 32p.
Baeten R. and Ghailani D.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.31, November 2016, 57p.
Ghailani D. and Peña-Casas R.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.27, April 2016, 75p.
Ghailani D.
in Vanhercke B., Natali D. and Bouget D. (eds.)
Baeten R. et Ghailani D.
OSE Paper Series, Briefing Paper Nr.10, April 2015, 71p.
Baeten R. and Ghailani D.
OSE Paper Series, Briefing Paper n°10, April 2015.
In Natali D. and Vanhercke B. (Eds.)
Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2015, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, pp. 215-245.
Ghailani D. with Vanhercke B.
Study for the LIBE Committee, Policy Department C (Citizens’ Rights and constitutional affairs), DG Internal Policies, European Parliament, PE510.015, 2015, 75p.
Ghailani D. and Natali D. with Schavoir M.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.17, December 2014, 32p.
Ghailani D. (2014)
in Natali D. (Ed), Social developments in the European Union 2013, ETUI, OSE, Brussels, 2014, pp. 161-190.
Peña-Casas R., Ghailani D. et Wets J.
in Lahaye W., Pannecoucke I., Vranken J. & Van Rossem R. (Eds.), Pauvreté en Belgique – Annuaire 2014, Gand: Academia Press, pp. 211-226